
A Conversation is Worth A Thousand Recommendations: A Survey of Holistic Conversational Recommendation Systems

Paper, Github

Conversational recommendation systems (CRS) generate recommendations through an interactive process. However, not all CRS approaches use human conversations as their source of interaction data; the majority of prior CRS work simulates interactions by exchanging entity-level information. As a result, claims of prior CRS work do not generalise to real-world settings where conversations take unexpected turns, or where conversational and intent understanding is not perfect. To tackle this challenge, the research community has started to examine holistic CRS , which are trained using conversational data collected from real-world scenarios. We present a comprehensive survey of holistic CRS methods.

Zero-shot Dialogue State Tracking with Unlabelled Data

In previous zero-shot DST, transferring learning methods are adopted while the unlabelled data in the target domain is ignored. We leverage the unlabelled data in the zero-shot DST by transforming the zero-shot problem into a few-shot problem with a two-step training strategy. Our proposed methods outperform the baseline by 8%